What Are Digital Analytics?

Google Analytics

Digital analytics is the process of collecting, measuring, and analyzing data from digital sources such as websites or mobile apps. This data can be used to understand how users interact with their digital properties and to improve your marketing and business decisions. If you run a business that uses a website or mobile app, you may want to know things like how your users interact with your website or app, the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, and And which content is the most helpful in achieving business goals and how users find your website or app.

Digital analytics tools like Google Analytics can answer these questions. Here’s a simple marketing funnel that shows the different stages of a customer journey. Acquisition involves building awareness of your product or service and acquiring user interest. Engagement is when your users interact with your business.

Monetization is when a user becomes a customer and makes a purchase. Digital analytics uses data to align this funnel with your business objectives. Acquisition, at the top of the funnel, is where you can see which marketing channels bring customers to your website or app. Engagement, in the middle of the funnel, is where you can see what content users engage with and share with others.

Monetization and retention at the bottom of the funnel is where you can measure how many users become customers and how often they return to your website or app. These insights can help you better optimize your brand’s performance and make informed decisions based on behavioral data. Let’s look at some real-world examples.

The Google Merchandise Store is an online retail store that sells branded products like t shirts and coffee mugs. E commerce sites like these use analytics to gain insights into customer behavior on the website to see how users find the Google Merchandise Store, the products the users view and add to their shopping carts, and which products users actually purchase and how many they bought.

Another example is a mobile gaming app called Flood It. Analytics can show how users find the app and download it. Which screens within the app that the user visits or gets stuck on, and how many users make purchases in the app.